L'importance de l'éclairage écologique et durable : comment arits contribue à un futur plus vert

The importance of ecological and sustainable lighting: how arits contributes to a greener future

In a world where environmental conservation and sustainability are increasingly important, eco-friendly lighting plays a key role. Artieta, the innovative lamp from Arits, offers a sustainable and ...

AritsLes dangers du manque de sommeil: comprendre la dette de sommeil

The Dangers of Lack of Sleep: Understanding Sleep Debt

Understanding sleep debt: its effects on our health, methods to “repay” it and how to prevent it. Learn how insufficient sleep can affect your well-being and the steps you can take to restore a hea...

AritsLuminothérapie au bureau

Light therapy in the office

Find out how light therapy can improve your productivity and well-being at work. From understanding its importance, to integrating it into your office space, to the impacts on your health and perfo...

AritsLampe de luminothérapie sur une table de chevet

When to use light therapy? The Complete Guide to Arits

Light therapy is a form of treatment that uses artificial light to mimic the beneficial effects of natural sunlight. It is used to treat various disorders linked to imbalances in the internal clock...

AritsDormir plus pour mieux produire : un paradoxe productif

Sleep more to produce better: a productive paradox

Our brains work a bit like smartphones: they need to be regularly recharged to function at their best level. And by "recharge", we are not talking about caffeine, chocolate bars or energy drinks, w...

AritsLuminothérapie : Les résultats prometteurs des études récentes

Light therapy: Promising results from recent studies

Explore recent findings in studies of light therapy, a non-invasive treatment for various disorders such as SAD, insomnia, non-seasonal depression and more.