Choisir sa lampe pour la performances et le bien-être

Choosing your lamp for performance and well-being

Working in a well-lit environment is essential to staying productive and mentally healthy . This is why it is important to choose the right desk lamp for your workspace and ideally a circadian ligh...

AritsQu'est-ce que la luminothérapie ?

What is light therapy?

Light therapy involves exposing the body to light that mimics natural sunlight. This light is usually produced by a device that emits a bright light whose intensity is similar to that of exterior ...

AritsUn réveil facile avec le simulateur d'aube

Wake up easily with the dawn simulator

Waking up with a dawn simulator can therefore be a game-changer for our mornings. By mimicking the natural process of waking up and avoiding the stress and drowsiness of a traditional awakening,...