Melatonin: A Complete Guide to Its Role and Benefits

la sécrétion naturelle de mélatonine


Melatonin, often called the “sleep hormone,” plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep and wake cycles. This natural hormone, produced by our body in response to darkness, signals to our body that it is time to rest. Understanding melatonin and its importance for sleep and circadian rhythm can help us better manage our sleep habits and improve our overall health.

Understanding melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, a small gland located in the center of the brain. Its production is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light, meaning our melatonin levels naturally increase at night and decrease during the day. This secretion of natural melatonin is essential for maintaining our circadian rhythm, or internal biological clock, which regulates our sleep and wake cycles.

Melatonin has a direct impact on our sleep. It signals to our body that it is time to rest, which helps us fall asleep. Additionally, melatonin can help regulate REM sleep, the phase of sleep during which we dream. Therefore, an imbalance of melatonin can lead to sleep disorders such as insomnia or jet lag.

Natural melatonin in our body is essential for healthy sleep. However, various factors can disrupt our natural melatonin production, such as exposure to artificial light at night, jet lag, working night shifts, or certain medical conditions. In these cases, melatonin supplements can be used to help regulate sleep.

The effects of melatonin on sleep

Melatonin is often described as the hormone that regulates sleep. Indeed, it plays a key role in regulating our circadian rhythm, which controls our sleep and wake cycles. When night falls, our body's production of melatonin increases, signaling our brain that it is time to prepare for sleep. Conversely, as day breaks, melatonin production decreases, signaling to our brain that it is time to wake up.

Melatonin may be particularly helpful for people suffering from insomnia. In fact, studies have shown that taking melatonin supplements can help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, increase total sleep time, and improve sleep quality. However, it is important to note that melatonin is not a sleep aid and should not be used as one. It should be used as a tool to help regulate the sleep-wake cycle.

Melatonin may also be beneficial for people suffering from jet lag. Jet lag occurs when we travel across multiple time zones, which can disrupt our circadian rhythm. Taking melatonin can help reset our body clock, making it easier to adapt to a new time zone.

Food supplements based on melatonin

Melatonin supplements are widely available and can be a helpful option for people who have trouble falling or staying asleep. These supplements can be taken in the form of pills, liquids, chewing gum, or lozenges to dissolve under the tongue.

The dosage of melatonin in food supplements may vary. It is generally recommended to start with a low dose and increase gradually if necessary. It's important to note that melatonin must be taken at specific times, usually one to two hours before bed, to be effective.

In France, melatonin is available over the counter, meaning it can be purchased without a prescription. However, it is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting to take melatonin or any other dietary supplement. It's also important to note that although melatonin is generally considered safe for short-term use, its long-term effects are not yet well understood.

Melatonin Prescription and Treatment

Melatonin is often used as a treatment for various sleep disorders. Although it is available over the counter in many countries, a prescription may be necessary in some cases. For example, for children with sleep problems related to certain medical conditions, a prescription for melatonin may be recommended by a healthcare professional. Likewise, for adults suffering from chronic insomnia or sleep problems related to shift work or jet lag, a prescription for melatonin may be considered.

The use of melatonin for children and adults varies. For children, melatonin is often used to regulate sleep cycles, especially in those who have sleep disorders related to conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism. For adults, melatonin is commonly used to treat insomnia and sleep problems related to jet lag or shift work.

Melatonin can also be used in combination with other sleep treatments. For example, Arits offers lamps that help regulate the secretion of natural melatonin in the body, thereby helping to improve sleep quality.

Side effects of melatonin

Like any treatment, melatonin is not without risks. Although it is generally considered safe for short-term use, side effects may occur. Common side effects of melatonin may include headache, nausea, dizziness, and daytime sleepiness. In rare cases, more serious side effects may occur, such as mood disorders or hallucinations.

It's also important to note that melatonin can interact with other medications, including some blood pressure medications, diabetes medications, and blood thinners. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting to take melatonin, especially if you are taking other medications.

In summary, although melatonin is an effective treatment for various sleep disorders, it should be used with caution. It is important to understand the risks associated with its use and to consult a healthcare professional before starting melatonin treatment.


In conclusion, melatonin plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep and wake cycles. Whether in natural form or as a food supplement, it offers numerous benefits to improve the quality of sleep, treat insomnia and help adapt to jet lag. However, as with any treatment, it is essential to use it responsibly. Adverse effects, although rare, may occur and interaction with other medications should be considered. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting melatonin treatment. Ultimately, melatonin can be a valuable tool for improving sleep and overall well-being, but it should be used with caution and under medical supervision.

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