Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression commonly known as seasonal depression, typically occurring during the winter months when days get shorter and exposure to natural light decreases. This disorder can have serious consequences on daily life, but a simple and natural solution can help combat it: light therapy.
Seasonal Affective Disorder: A seasonal illness
SAD is a form of depression that typically occurs during the fall and winter months when daylight is at its lowest. Symptoms include persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in usual activities, trouble sleeping, increased appetite, and decreased energy. Women are four times more likely to suffer from SAD than men, and the disorder is also more common in northern regions where winters are longer and darker.
Light therapy: A glimmer of hope
Light therapy is a science-backed solution to combat SAD. It uses light to simulate the effects of the sun on our body and helps restore the body's natural hormonal balance, improving mood, energy and sleep quality.
How does light therapy work?
Light therapy uses a specific lamp that emits bright white light, simulating natural sunlight. This light influences the production of certain hormones in the brain, including melatonin and serotonin, which play a key role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle and our mood.
Light therapy to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder
Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of light therapy in the treatment of SAD. A daily session in front of a light therapy lamp, usually in the morning, can help reduce SAD symptoms, improving quality of life during the winter months.
Seasonal Affective Disorder can be a burden for those who suffer from it, but there are natural solutions to deal with it. Light therapy is a non-invasive method proven to help combat SAD, improving mood, energy and sleep quality.
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