Discover our interview with Vivre Bordeaux: a lamp that imitates the sun

Découvrez notre interview avec Vivre Bordeaux : une lampe qui imite le soleil

We are very happy to share with you an interview with our co-founders, Paul Trement and Hélène Thomas-Gallière, carried out by Vivre Bordeaux. In this chat, Paul explains in detail our journey to create Arits and our mission to mimic the healing effects of the sun through our innovative lamp.

The article highlights the journey of Paul, originally from Bruges, and Hélène, originally from Bordeaux, from their training in engineering and marketing/communication respectively, to the creation of Arits. They share their experiences working in different startups and how working at night led them to understand the significant impact of light on our well-being.

The interview highlights the unique ability of our Arits lamp to modulate light output and color tone to mimic the sun's cycle, helping to resynchronize our biological clock. By influencing the secretion of hormones such as melatonin, our lamp can improve the well-being of people working night shifts, teleworking, living in cities with little sunlight, or simply looking to relax before falling asleep.

Arits' long-term ambition to say goodbye to seasonal depression and winter blues, which affects 1 in 3 French people, is also highlighted. You can currently support our mission by participating in our crowdfunding campaign on KissKissBankBank.

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L'innovation Arits reconnue par Le Bonbon : découvrez l'article !
Arits dans Sud Ouest : Ramener le Soleil à la Maison

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