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Airzen met en lumière l'innovation Arits : retrouvez l'article complet !

Airzen highlights Arits innovation: find the full article!

We're excited to share with you a glowing review from Airzen about our smart accent lamp that replicates the cycle of the sun. This article highlights the importance of natural light to our well-b...

Arits dans Sud Ouest : Ramener le Soleil à la Maison

Arits in South West: Bringing the Sun Home

Read Sud Ouest's exciting article on Arits and their innovative product, Artieta. Learn how this light therapy lamp reproduces every second of the solar cycle

Découvrez notre interview avec Vivre Bordeaux : une lampe qui imite le soleil

Discover our interview with Vivre Bordeaux: a lamp that imitates the sun

We are very happy to share with you an interview with our co-founders, Paul Trement and Hélène Thomas-Gallière, carried out by Vivre Bordeaux. In this chat, Paul explains in detail our journey to ...

L'innovation Arits reconnue par Le Bonbon : découvrez l'article !

Arits innovation recognized by Le Bonbon: discover the article!

Read Le Bonbon's laudatory article on Artieta, the circadian lamp from Arits. Discover how Artieta recreates the complete cycle of the sun in your home, with artificial intelligence personalizing y...

Maddyness x Arits

Maddyness: The sun within reach with Arits

Maddyness, the platform dedicated to startups and innovation, recently presented Arits, the startup that, as they said, "makes sunshine". Our Artieta lamps, which replicate the cycle of natural lig...

L'article de la bonne vague

The good wave: “A daily ray of sunshine with Arits, even in winter”

Are you experiencing a slump and are already looking gloomy with winter ahead? Fortunately, Arits lamps are there to illuminate you in addition to making up for your energy deficiencies by providin...