Une lampe de luminothérapie avec des dangers particuliers

The Dangers of Light Therapy: What You Need to Know

Learn about the potential dangers and precautionary measures to take when using light therapy. Arits guides you to a safe and effective phototherapy experience.

Harmonisez votre rythme circadien pour un meilleur sommeil, humeur et bien-être

Understanding and regulating your circadian rhythm for better health

Learn how to regulate your circadian rhythm to improve your sleep, mood, and overall health. From sleep routines to food choices, learn how to synchronize your body clock.

couple en pleine médiation grâce à la respiration par la cohérence cardiaque

Harmonize Your Heart and Mind with Heart Coherence: A Complete Guide

Discover cardiac coherence, a powerful technique to synchronize your heart and mind. This comprehensive guide explores the benefits, the science behind this practice, and how to incorporate it into...

Personne qui respire dans la nature au rythme de la respiration 4-7-8

The 4-7-8 breathing technique: Finding serenity using a simple method

Discover the 4-7-8 breathing technique, an ancestral method adapted to modern life to reduce stress, improve sleep and increase concentration. Learn how to integrate it into your daily routine for ...

l'horloge biologique représenté par un cycle éveil sommeil

Understanding the biological clock: the influence on your health and well-being

Discover how your biological clock influences your health, your sleep, and your well-being. Learn strategies to synchronize your circadian rhythm

Les bienfaits de la lumumière sur notre organisme sont nombreux

The many benefits of light: illuminate your life!

This comprehensive guide reveals the multiple benefits of light, from mental health to interior design. Learn how to use light to improve your life.