Schéma montrant l'impact de l'exposition à la lumière sur le rythme circadien et la santé globale
Bienfaits de la lumière

How our biological rhythms and light influence our health

Learn how blue light influences your circadian rhythm, sleep-wake cycle, and overall health. Learn how Arits solutions can help regulate your exposure to blue light, optimize your well-being and im...

AritsPositionnement correct d'une lampe de luminothérapie Arits sur un bureau

Light therapy: where, when and how to use it?

Find out how light therapy can help combat insomnia and other disorders. Learn where, when and how to effectively use light therapy to improve your health and well-being.

AritsComment la lumière bleue affecte-t-elle notre sommeil ?

How does blue light affect our sleep?

Explore the impact of blue light on sleep and discover tips for optimizing your sleep environment and reducing exposure to blue light from screens.

ArtietaLa lumière du soleil en face de son visage

How long does it take to feel the effects of light therapy?

Learn when and how to optimize the use of light therapy to treat emotional disorders linked to a lack of natural light. Find out how it works, how long it takes to feel the effects, the importance ...

AritsLuminothérapie au bureau

Light therapy in the office

Find out how light therapy can improve your productivity and well-being at work. From understanding its importance, to integrating it into your office space, to the impacts on your health and perfo...

AritsLampe de luminothérapie sur une table de chevet

When to use light therapy? The Complete Guide to Arits

Light therapy is a form of treatment that uses artificial light to mimic the beneficial effects of natural sunlight. It is used to treat various disorders linked to imbalances in the internal clock...