Une personne est dans l'avion et tente de s'endormir pour gérer son décalage horaire

The fight against jet lag: Overcoming sleep disturbances and regaining balance

Find out how to effectively manage jet lag when traveling. This article offers tips for preventing and treating jet lag syndrome, understanding its symptoms, and quickly adapting to a new time zone...

Un individu allongé dans son lit tard dans la nuit, incapable de dormir et utilisant son téléphone portable.

The disastrous effects of lack of sleep on health

Explore our detailed article on the effects of lack of sleep on physical and mental health. Find out how lack of sleep can affect your immune system, your mood, and even increase the risk of chroni...

Bienfaits de la lumière Schéma montrant l'impact de l'exposition à la lumière sur le rythme circadien et la santé globale

How our biological rhythms and light influence our health

Learn how blue light influences your circadian rhythm, sleep-wake cycle, and overall health. Learn how Arits solutions can help regulate your exposure to blue light, optimize your well-being and im...

Bienfaits LuminothérapieLalampe de luminothérapie est un outils de bien être indispensable

Understanding light therapy

Find out how light therapy can improve your well-being and mental health. Explore the different types of light therapy lamps, their benefits and how to use them. Learn more about Arits’ innovative ...

Le sommeil à la lumière rouge : découvrez comment optimiser votre repos

Sleeping with red light: find out how to optimize your rest

Find out which light promotes the best sleep in our comprehensive guide. Learn how light colors influence sleep quality and how to adapt your bedroom lighting for an optimal night's rest. Read now ...

Comprendre les rythmes biologiques pour une meilleure santé

Understanding biological rhythms for better health

Biological rhythms are fundamental to the functioning of many organisms, including humans. These rhythms govern the timing of physiological processes such as sleep-wake cycles, hormone secretion, ...