Garder des bonnes habitudes sur le long terme, mission impossible ?

Maintaining good habits over the long term, mission impossible?

Many goals we set for ourselves in life, whether related to our health, productivity, or overall well-being, require changing or adopting new habits. However, these changes can seem intimidating an...

AritsLuminothérapie au bureau

Light therapy in the office

Find out how light therapy can improve your productivity and well-being at work. From understanding its importance, to integrating it into your office space, to the impacts on your health and perfo...

Les meilleures pratiques pour votre espace de travail et votre concentration

Best practices for your workspace and concentration

A well-organized workspace is essential for improving concentration, productivity and creativity. Here are some tips to help you configure your workspace optimally to maximize your concentration an...

AritsLampe de luminothérapie sur une table de chevet

When to use light therapy? The Complete Guide to Arits

Light therapy is a form of treatment that uses artificial light to mimic the beneficial effects of natural sunlight. It is used to treat various disorders linked to imbalances in the internal clock...

Les défis du télétravail et son impact sur la santé

The challenges of teleworking and its impact on health

Find out how a lack of natural light when working remotely can affect your health and productivity. Learn to optimize your cognitive performance.

La luminothérapie : Pour quoi ? Pour qui ?

Light therapy: For what? For who ?

Light therapy lamp: adjust your natural biological rhythm and boost your mood and daily energy. A luminous tool for well-being.