Le réveil lumineux d'arits pour un réveil de qualité
amélioration du sommeil

How to wake up easily in the morning even when you're a heavy sleeper

Are you a heavy sleeper? Discover our effective tips to help you wake up easily every morning, for a dynamic and productive start to the day.

La science derrière les rythmes circadiens : comprendre l'impact de la lumière sur notre horloge biologique.

The science behind circadian rhythms: understanding the impact of light on our biological clock.

Light plays an essential role in regulating our biological clock, also called circadian rhythm. Adequate exposure to natural light influences our health, mood and well-being. However, with our mode...

Les bienfaits du yoga sur la santé mentale

The benefits of yoga on mental health

Discover how yoga can improve your mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, concentration and memory, and boosting self-esteem and emotional well-being.

amélioration du sommeilPourquoi acheter un réveil lumineux ?

Why buy a light alarm clock?

Introduction Waking up in a natural and gentle way is essential for starting the day well. Instead of being suddenly woken from sleep by a shrill alarm, imagine waking up peacefully, as if you w...

amélioration du sommeilUne femme travaillant confortablement dans son espace zen

Say goodbye to stress and sleep disorders with Artieta and Cayola lamps

Find out how light therapy can reduce stress and improve sleep. Explore how Artieta and Cayola wellness lamps are revolutionizing the home wellness lighting market.

Le télétravail : bonne ou mauvaise idée ?

Teleworking: good or bad idea?

Explore the pros and cons of telecommuting to determine if it's a good or bad idea for you and your business. Discover the flexibility, savings and productivity it can offer, as well as the challen...